July 2021
From February to July this year we accepted four orders for the synthesis of photoactive products from Thermofisher Scientific. We look forward to further fruitful cooperation.

October 2020
Together with Hitachi ABB Power Grids, we have signed a contract to develop and manufacture innovative polymer products.

April 2019
PHT and ABB Corporate Research Center have signed a new contract aimed at manufacturing advanced functional materials. The project will last until the end of 2019.

January 2019
With unconcealed pride, we communicate our company’s five-year jubilee. At the same time, we would like to thank our partners – the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation from Poznań and Synthos S.A. – without which we would not achieve our goals.
Over the past five years, we have developed several groups of cationic photoinitiators, we have produced new printing inks, created new resins for 3D printing and many more. There are new challenges ahead of us. The first goal is to develop water-soluble radical photoinitiators that can be used in the production of plastics in emulsions. We are expanding the project focused on 3D printing, where the goal is cationic technology. The last big undertaking is the development of new efficient dyes for photovoltaic cells.
November 2018
Polish manufacturer of photovoltaic modules, ML System, commissioned us the development of new crucial components dedicated to experimental devices. The goal is higher energy efficiency and stability. New photovoltaic modules will be produced and tested in 2019.
September 2018
The 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science was held in Mulhouse (France) from September 3-6. PHT have presented a new family of cationic photoinitiators which work upon ultraviolet and visible light irradiation. A novel mechanism of photobleaching of new photoinitiators was presented.

July 2018
A contract was concluded between PHT, the Jagiellonian University and the Innovation Initiative Foundation as part of the Baltic TRAM project. An important element of cooperation between the parties to the agreement are IREC units – research centers for industry understood as intermediary organizations between enterprises and research units. IREC Polska is represented by FII and co-creates with IREC units from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany and Sweden, Baltic IREC Network.
February 2018
PHOTO-EMULSION project has just started, below you can read about its official goals.
The polymer industry is going through one of the most significant periods of change in its history.
Driven by new environmental regulations, the development of eco-efficient processes and zero-VOC products has become an absolute necessity. In this field, 2 technologies stand out: Polymerisation in dispersed media and Photopolymerisation.
November 2017
Intrograf, one of the biggest printing companies in Poland has been awarded 1.3.1 grant for production a new type cardboard packaging dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry. The application for co-financing was supported by research carried out in our laboratories and now Intrograt will continue collaboration.
The total cost of the project is 14 300 000 PLN (over 3 million Euro).
May 2017
Since 1946, GFG Lastadia (formerly The Factory of Graphic Paints in Gdańsk , Poland) has been awarded the 2.1 “Support for investment in R&D infrastructure of enterprises” for the production of innovative solutions and UV-curing varnishes. All products will be based on the Sylanto photoinitiators – developed by PHT and currently manufactured by Synthos S.A.
May 2017
The consortium consisting of the Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (FR), the Max Planck Institute für Polymerforschung (DE), the POLYMAT, the Universitas del Pais Vasco (ES), the Physikalisches Institut, the Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg (DE), the Technische Universität Wien Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS (FR), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (DE) and PHT have received funding from the Horizon 2020 European Commission.
April 2017
Intrograf– manufacturer of cardboard packaging dedicated to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and foodstuffs
Print Coatings – a manufacturer of high-quality varnishes used in printing
together with PHT have started research on special UV cured varnishes. These varnishes will be used in the manufacture of packaging for demanding industries such as pharmaceutical and cosmetic.